These are photos from our third supply drop. For this supply drop we changed our focus slightly.
We are deeply concerned about the amount of time it will take for tourism, and therefore the economy, in this area of Uganda to recover from all the craziness that's happening right now.
We have been humbled by the incredibly generous donations from our followers, enabling us to help as many people as we have, but we realise that this won't last forever.
So after much discussion between ourselves and the community leaders, we decided that the best way to move forward would be to enable people to grow their own food. We do this by supplying various fast growing vegetable seedlings, farming equipment and giving people the knowledge and support to do this.
We still gave food supplies to those in desperate need, but we feel it's important to start looking long-term.
We were able to support 42 families during his supply drop. Where possible, people were invited to collect the supplies from Richard's home, but for the most part we travelled to their homes to help them plant the seedlings and educate about how to grow the crops successfully.
The seedlings we supplied include potatoes, dodo (plantains), carrots, aubergine, tomatoes, spinach, peas, cabbages and maize.
We also have been educating people about the virus itself, its syptoms and preventative measures like sanitisation and social distancing.
Take a look a the photos below and get in touch if you would like to donate. As ever, 100% of your donation will go towards these supplies.